Personal Insurance
We can search through a range of policies to find the one that suits your particular needs from our panel of insurers. So this year leave the shopping to us, as just one phone call could find you suitable cover at a competitive price.
We realise that no-one likes to think about the future. However, shying away from thinking about, and even addressing, life insurance and protecting you and your family should simply not be an option for anyone. After all, no-one ever wants to say if only after a tragic event.
Should the worst happen, financial stress for you or your family really is the last thing you need. We will discuss your own personal details and circumstances with you in detail and provide advice and a solution that is entirely tailored to you. In our opinion, you should never buy life insurance off the shelf, rather get advice and ensure that any life insurance or critical illness policy meets every need you have. So do call us to discuss further.
In the meantime, you will find definitions and a number of statistics on these pages that will help inform you. Our life insurance (or assurance) range
- Level term life insurance (or assurance)
Provides a fixed lump sum payment should you die within a specified period. - Level term life insurance (or assurance) with critical illness
Provides a specified lump sum payment should you die or suffer a critical illness within a specified period - Mortgage protection cover
Providing a decreasing lump sum payment to cover your outstanding mortgage, should you die within the specified period. - Mortgage protection cover with critical illness
Providing a decreasing lump sum payment to cover your outstanding mortgage, should you die or suffer a critical illness within the specified period.